The Brief
1. Revamp the existing portal
2. Manage multiple fuel types - not just gas
3. Overhaul the current navigation
4. Ensure that the portal is optimised for tablet & mobile
Initial Research
Firstly I needed to understand the users and understand what the current trend is with customer portals.
Below are some snapshots of my sketchbook and my initial research.
Understanding the multiple fuels
In order for me to overhaul the navigation I had to understand how the multiple fuels would work into our current framework for the portal.
Quick low-fi sketches
In these sketches I am looking at layout of the widgets and how they would work on tablet and mobile view. Also, I am trying to understand how the navigation would function.
Basic User Stories
Unfortunately I wasn't able to go into great detail on the users stories as the work schedule was very tight.
Basic Personas
With a tight deadline I created very quick personas
Initial Ideas
After creating the personas, I had to go straight creating ideas of the navigation on sketch. I am exploring different layouts, functionality, colour and even dark mode.
Final designs
These are the final portal screens which is now currently in final stages of development and will be launched second week of September 2019.